This application has been developed/designed to receive the information from satelite and display/show it to users and has been used for Cansat competition.
The app consists of the below subgroups:
In the chart section, different/multiple received data can be illustrated simultaneously on a single/one chart.
Or separately based on their title.
In the data section, detailed information are being displayed and it is possible/easily to provide/obtain a detailed report.
Start writing or type / to choose a block
All these reports are being saved in the reports section.
Searching through the application is quite/very precise and accessible.
Another feature of the app is to show the location of satelites on the map.
The features/ characteristics of the application/program:
1. capability of receiving data from Cansat and showing them simultaneously on the app
2. showing the location of Cansat on the map
3. powerful search
4. reporting application content
5. capability of using saved data